2012 Movie Preview: My Top 10 Most Anticipated Movies

Before I reveal my top ten films of 2011, I figured it would be best to look at the films coming out next year that I expect to make next year’s list. The last couple weeks have given us a number of trailers that helped create this list, which I shall include below each movie on the list. One highly anticipated movie you won’t see on this list is The Amazing Spider-man. I found the trailer to be weak and too reminiscent of Sam Raimi’s original 2oo2 blockbuster. Other than that however, I am sure any movie fan would put together a similar list to this one.


10. The Hunger Games

Major blockbusters are usually saved for the summer of the holidays, but in 2012 we will get an early treat with the adaptation of the bestselling novel. The story is epic and the cast is fantastic. Rising star Jennifer Lawrence is becoming the perfect young hero after two great performances in Winter’s Bone and X-men: First Class. The awesome trailer says it all, Hunger Games is going to be awesome. (Mar. 23)



9. Brave

After the failure of Cars 2, Pixar needs a comeback, and this film should be a perfect way to get the acclaimed studio back on track. In their first non-sequel since Up, Pixar is turning to fairy tales to entrance kids in summer 2012. It also marks the first female hero for the studio. The trailer makes it seem like it could be Pixar’s darkest film yet. (Jun. 22)



8. Skyfall

007 returns in 2012 with Daniel Craig reprising the role of James Bond. Sam Mendes is directing the twenty-third installment of this legendary series with new cast members including Ralph Fiennes, Helen McCrory, Javier Bardem, Albert Finney, and Naomie Harris. Also Ben Whishaw is coming on as a young Q. Skyfall has potential to be a fantastic addition to the franchise. (Nov. 9)



7. Les Miserables

Sadly there is not trailer or poster yet for this new adaptation of the classic novel. Director of The King’s Speech, Tom Hooper is at the helm with a brilliant cast including Hugh Jackman, Anne Hathaway, Russel Crowe, Sacha Baron Cohen, and, the love of my life, Helena Bonham Carter. The film is also a musical, where the talents of Jackman and Hathaway will likely come in handy. (Dec. 7)


6. Gravity

This is one to watch out for. I believe it has potential to be the best movie of the year, but with as little as even a still to work with, there is so little to go on but it has a lot going for it. Sandra Bullock and George Clooney star in this sci-fi film that is rumored to have revolutionary effects. It also supposedly features Bullock alone for a healthy portion of the film. But the kicker is that it is directed by Alfonso Cuaron, who also helmed the best sci-fi movie of the 2000s, Children of Men. (Nov. 21)


5. Prometheus

The trailer released last week was incredibly interesting as it revealed almost nothing about the plot or characters. This is a film surrounded in mystery, but it is rumored that director Ridley Scott will be returning to the world of Alien. The supposed prequel stars Noomi Rapace, Michael Fassbender, Charlize Theron, Patrick Wilson, Idris Elba, and Guy Pearce. Should be a thought provoking summer flick. (Jun. 8)



4. Django Unchained

Quentin Tarantino returns with a vengeance in 2012. The plot involves a former slave, current bounty hunter trying to save his wife from a plantation owner. Sound like Kill Bill meets Inglourious Basterds to me. The film stars Jaimie Foxx as the title character along with, Samuel L. Jackson, Christoph Waltz, Leonardo DiCaprio, Kurt Russell, Kerry Washington, Anthony LaPlagia, Sacha Baron Cohen, and Joseph Gordon-Levitt. (Dec. 25)


3. The Avengers

I’m a sucker for superheroes, and this mega-blockbuster has so little of a chance of disappointing. Legendary comic book geek Joss Whedon is directing. Also it will put Iron Man, Thor, Captain America, and the Hulk finally in the same room. The first trailer was a little underwhelming (probably because I hate the corny song used at the end) but there is absolutely no way that this film will be bad. (May 4)



2. The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

After sitting in development hell for a few years and trading directors before actually settling back with Peter Jackson, the adaptation of The Lord of the Rings prequel will finally hit theaters in 2012. The trailer released last week was perfect as it hit all the right notes of nostalgia and something new. A good number of the original trilogy’s cast is returning for this second go around in Middle Earth. (Dec. 14)



1. The Dark Knight Rises

Could it really be anything else? Christopher Nolan and gang are returning to Gotham one last time to close out this already classic trilogy. You know the facts. Tom Hardy is Bane. Anne Hathaway is Catwoman. Marion Cotillard and Joseph Gordon-Levitt have vague roles. But the genius that we see coming from this movie’s marketing so far is that Batman really might not make it out alive. (Jul. 20)




Any movies I left off that you think might be better than any of these ten? Are you more excited for The Hobbit or Dark Knight Rises? Sound off in the comments’ section! Tomorrow look for my top ten films of 2011. Happy New Year!


photo credit: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1392170/








~ by mattsmoviethoughts on December 29, 2011.

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